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Enhanced Sessions 660 Digitally Enhanced Special with Elevven – hosted by Farius

It's a momentous occasion at Enhanced today as Digitally Enhanced is back! To welcome this special moment we have Elevven delivering a one-hour mix of some of their favourite scorchers from the compilation. In this episode we also share with you the very latest from Arty, Grum, Luttrel & Leossa Premiere RO time is 24:00, here on the website and on the Radio FX Net mobile apps.

todayiulie 2, 2022 13


Enhanced Sessions 617 with Elevven – Hosted by Farius

Sarbatorind noul lor remix al celor de la Tritonal 'Still With Me', Enhanced Sessions are un nou episod cu duo-ul senzational Elevven. Avand un minunat mix cu cateva din cele mai bune piese ala lor, de asemenea avem cateva piese noi din partea lui Luttrell, Ferry Corsten, Matt Fax si altii! Premiera de la ora 24:00, aici pe www.radiofxnet.ro UPDATE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpENzWOZ7qQ

todayaugust 26, 2021 4

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